May 2022

Friday, May 27th 💦

injuries are more likely as the field will be slippery from todays rain

I will be there @ 6:30, but I would advise that we do not play this evening unfortunately as injuries are more likely because the field will be slippery from todays rain. 💦

🌞 Hopefully mother nature will cooperate for Monday 🙂

Our 2022 season begins Victoria day ~ Monday , May 23 @ 6:30 pm

🏐 Recreational Grass volleyball
🏐 recreational and patient intermediate players welcome
🏐 6:30 pm to sunset – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
🏐 at the park across Billing’s Bridge Shopping Center
🏐 weather permitting
🏐 Bring water / bug spray /sunblock
🏐 {note – there are no washroom facilities at this park)

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